martes, 11 de febrero de 2014


To ask for the moon: to make unreasonable demands for things or to wish something impossible to achieve or to obtain 
when you hold the fort : it means you take care of a place when the person normally in change is away 
Under the table : is a frase used to describe secrtive behaviour often suggesting corruption or illegality 
The horse around: means to behave a silly way making noise and causing distruption
When you say someone has chickened out: you mean they have failed to do something or they haven´t tried to do it because they were afraid 


ARBITRATOR: a person chosen to decide a dispute or settle differences.
AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY: one of 17 regions that form part of the Spanish territory with its own devolved government.
CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY: a system of government in which the king is the head of state but the parliament chooses the government.
COUNCILORS: government officials that, together with the mayor, make up the town council.
THE CROWN: the part of a constitutional monarchy represented by the king.
DECENTRALISED GOVERNMENT: a system of government in which decision-making is devolved to a local level and therefore closer to the citizens.
EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY: autonomous communities’ power of making and passing laws related to town planning, housing, monuments, health care and education.
EXTENDED FAMILY: type of family made of grandparents, parents and children.
LIFE EXPECTANCY: the number of years a person or population is expected to live.
ILLITERACY: inability to read or write
MAYOR:  person who governs the town council of a municipality.
MINISTERS: government officials that, together with the president, make up the Spanish cabinet.
MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE: Cortes Generales’ request to the president to resign due to a common disagreement with the government’s politics.
MUNICIPALITY: the most basic administrative body in the Spanish territory.
NATIONAL SOVEREIGNITY: other countries’ impossibility of having influence in a country’s laws.
NUCLEAR FAMILY: type of family made up of parents and children.
POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY: a society in which the economy is has undergone a shift from production of goods to the provision of services.
PROVINCE: an administrative body made up of several municipalities in the Spanish territory.
SAME-SEX MARRIGE: type of family in which both parents are a same-sex couple who have adopted children.
SELF-GOVERNMENT:  a system of government in which a community or region has authority to govern itself without the intervention of any other authority.
SHARE AUTHORITY: autonomous communities’ power of developing the laws passed by the Parliament and adapting them to their territory features.
SINGLE PARENT FAMILY: type of family made up of a mother or a father and children.
STATUTE OF AUTONOMY: a law describing the institutions, laws and responsibilities for each of the autonomous communities in the Spanish territory.
SUBSIDIARITY: the principle of devolving decisions to the lowest practical level so that services are closer to the citizens.
TOWN COUNCIL: the organization that governs each municipality in Spain.
WELL-BEING: the level of satisfaction of a population as measured by education levels, healthcare, life expectancy and consumption.

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Social Science

Do you think that having a Constitution is important for us?
I think that is important for us because the constitution says the rights and duties of the people and also the constitution puts what we can do or not. It´s important for the countrie because if we do not have it  this would be an uncontrolled