miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014


Scrumptious" means Delicious

"ASAP" means As Soon As Possible.

Success: the favorable result of something attempted
Tuxido: smoking

To be fond of: to like doing a thing; get pleasure of

To run the risk: to do something although something bad might happen because of it

Failure: a failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success

Though: even if

Massive: terrible

Burned down to a crisp: to burn something totally or very badly

To blend: put together
Burglar: one who commits housebreaker

Rob: to take something by unlawful force

Murder: the unlawful killing of a person

Suspects: one who can have done a crime

Hijack: to seize  by threat or by force, For ransom or political aims

Earthquake drill: to withdraw or cause to withdraw from (a place of danger) to a place of greater safety but not real only a rehearse

Food supplies non perishable: food that is use and kept in cause of emergency
Warn about: to advise (someone to do something)

Warn off: to advise (someone to do something)

Warning: the act of one that warns. something that serves to warn

Without warning: without notify

Ash: the gray or black powdery matter that remains after burning:

Drown: to die from being put under water

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


living it up : you living enjoy the place
gold rush : fiebre del oro
silicon valley
raw fish:pescado crudo
draught: sequia
dude: colega
that´s hecka cool: a lot of
so bomb: delicious
why are you putting me on blast? me estas dejando en ridiculo
you are rocking those slees : vistes bien
sunstroke :insolacion
Pale = colorless.
Sun-tanned = with a dark skin colour because of the sun.
Limp = too soft.
To blow your nose = Sonarse los mocos
To sniff = to inhale through the nose, usually in short rapid inspirations.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do =  Donde fueres, haz lo que vieres

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014


For me , I like London because it's closer to muy country than New York , also because it has fewer flight hours than New York. Also I choose it because I have been there and I like so mucho the experience with my friends. I left wachting for ser a little more of London because de couldn't see much of the city because de only go one day.  London it's a beautifull city , there are fewer people than un New York. I don't like many people in the city I feel stressed. I really liked their food and his hospitality. I choose London because in the future I would live there or go in the summer. I think that London it's a big city and one of the nicest I have seen , also I would like to ride the wheel to see the city from the top

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014


-In Japan, the number four is pronounced the same as "death", and 9 as suffering.

-The clothing is usually more striking in the southern Nordic while trying to avoid personalities.
-The OK sign with his thumb and forefinger in Turkey means the year and is used to call a man invested.
-In Arab countries avoid left (impure) in contact or gestures.
-The thumb or index has risen obscene meaning in many Mediterranean areas.

-The Arabs do not trust people in a hurry for them means that the other does not want relationship but only money.

lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Unit 10 Geography glossary

MORTGAGE: a loan to finance the purchase of private residential or commercial property.
OFF-PEAK SEASON: the less busy annual period.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.

CEREALS: grasses grown for the edible components of their grain.
DOMESTIC TOURISM: tourism in which tourists do not leave their own country.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.
AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE: a landscape that has been transformed by people to cultivate crops and/or rear livestock.
HIGH-SPEED-RAIL: a type of rail transport involving high-speed trains.
LARGE-SCALE TOURISM: travel and accommodation offered to large groups at affordable prices by tour operators.

SPECULATION: investment in stocks, property or other assets in the hope of gain, but with the risk of loss.
CROP: a cultivated plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.
CULTURAL HERITAGE: the things, places and practices that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or cultures.

TOUR OPERATORS: a company that combines tour and travel components to cater for large-scale tourism.

Unit 10 Geography glossary

MORTGAGE: a loan to finance the purchase of private residential or commercial property.
OFF-PEAK SEASON: the less busy annual period.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.

CEREALS: grasses grown for the edible components of their grain.
DOMESTIC TOURISM: tourism in which tourists do not leave their own country.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.
AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE: a landscape that has been transformed by people to cultivate crops and/or rear livestock.
HIGH-SPEED-RAIL: a type of rail transport involving high-speed trains.
LARGE-SCALE TOURISM: travel and accommodation offered to large groups at affordable prices by tour operators.

SPECULATION: investment in stocks, property or other assets in the hope of gain, but with the risk of loss.
CROP: a cultivated plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.
CULTURAL HERITAGE: the things, places and practices that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or cultures.

TOUR OPERATORS: a company that combines tour and travel components to cater for large-scale tourism.

Unit 9 Geography glossary

INFRASTRUCTURE: the basic physical and organizational structures needed for an economy to function.
MARKET: the meeting of buyers and sellers of goods and services.
EXPORTS: goods or services that are sold outside the country where they are produced.
FREIHT: goods or produce transported by ship, aircraft, train, lorry or van.
PRIVATE SERVICES: services that are offered and managed by private companies.
PUBLIC SERVICES: services that cover the basic needs of the population and contribute to its well-being.
RETAIL: a type of trade in which businesses sell small quantities of goods directly to consumers.
TRADE BLOC: a group of countries that join together to form an area with special trade regulations.
TRANSPORT NETWORK: the connection of road, railway lines, ports or airports that facilitate the transport of goods and/or people.
WHOLESALE: trade in which buyers purchase large quantities of goods and sell them, in smaller quantities, to other companies. BALANCE OF PAYMENT: a record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world
BALANCE OF TRADE: the difference between the monetary value of the exports and the imports of a country.
TOURISM: a sector dedicated to travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.
TRADE: the buying and selling of goods to meet the needs of the population.
BARTERING: a system used before the invention of money, involving the exchange of certain goods for others.
CAPITAL FLOW: the movement of money.
EXPORTS: goods or services that are sold outside the country where they are produced.
FREIHT: goods or produce transported by ship, aircraft, train, lorry or van.
IMPORTS: goods or services that are brought into a country from abroad for sale.

INFORMATION SOCIETY: a society in which the creation, distribution, and manipulation of information has become the most significant economic and cultural activity.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

My invention

It was invented by the Romans 1BC.
They are use to improve our eyesight and  is placed over the nose
They also has a structure that is posicionated above the ears

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014


biomass: organic material used as a fuel that releases energy when burned
craftsperson: a person who makes products using basic tools and manual labour 
decentralisation: a system in which the production process is divided up between factories in different regios or countries 
energy: power tgat comes from the utilization of physical or chemical resources to provide light and heat 
extraction: the process by which minerals are obtained from the ground by mining 
fossil fuels: fuels that are formed by the descomposition of buried organic materials and exposure to heat and pressuere producing subtances such as coal oil and gas 
industry : any economic activity that produces a service or transforms raw materials into consumer good 
management : the people that run a company and ensure that goods and services of a high enough quality are produced and sold at competitive prices 
mechanisation: the use of machinery in the production process
mineral the process of extracting minerals from the ground 
multinational : a company which produces and sells its goods in several countries and that usually has offices all over the world 
 raw materials: materials found in nature that can be transformed through industrial processes into usable products 
self-employed: earning a living from one´s own bussiness
workface: the employeed required to produce goods and services 

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


Housed livestock: Livestock fed with fodder in farm buildings. This type of livestock must pass strict sanitary and quality controls

Cattle: are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates.

Fodder:  is any agricultural foodstuff used specifically to feed domesticated livestock, such as cattle, goats, sheep, horses, chickens and pigs.

Rear: To care for, breed and grow animals until maturity.
Plot: An area of land where crops are grown. It can vary in sixe, shape or borders

Soil: The subtance on the surface of the Earth in which plants grow, produced mainly by the weathering of rock.

Crop rotation: The practice of growing different types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons. This method improves sil fertility and resistance to disease and pests

Fishing grounds: An area of water that is used for fishing.

Aquaculture: is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants.
Monoculture:  is the agricultural practice of producing or growing a single crop or plant species over a wide area and for a large number of consecutive years

Greenhouses:  is a building in which plants are grown

Subsistence agriculture: A type of agriculture in which farmers only grow enough food to feed themselves and their families.

Overfishing:  is a form of overexploitation in which fish stocks are depleted to unacceptable levels, regardless of water body size.

Fleets: is an aggregate of commercial fishing vessels

School of fish: many fishes together

Intensive agriculture:  is an agricultural production system characterized by a low fallow ratio and the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers relative to land area.

Extensive agriculture: An agricultural system that uses small inputs of labour, fertilisers, and capital, relative to the area of land that is being farmed.

Dryland farming: Farming in which the fields receive only rainwater.

Irrigated farming: Farming in which the water from groundwater, reservoirs or rivers is brought to fields.

Polyculture:  is agriculture using multiple crops in the same space, in imitation of the diversity of natural ecosystems, and avoiding large stands of single crops, or monoculture. It includes multi-cropping, intercropping, companion planting, beneficial weeds, and alley cropping.

Shifting cultivation:  is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned and allowed to revert to their natural vegetation while the cultivator moves on to another plot

Livestock farming: Farming bassed on rearing animals to obtain products.

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014


 If a situation is black and white it means you have a clear opinion about it and you can easily see what you think is right and wrong

Money doesn't grow on trees: means you must not spent to much money as there is a limited amount of it

Money is not object: means that you have a lot of money available to spend

Let the chips fall where they maymeans to allow things to happen no matter what the consequences are
To ask for the moon: to make unreasonable demands for things or to wish something impossible to achieve or to obtain

Hold the fort: you take care of a place when the person normally in charge is away

Under the table: is a phase used to describe secretive behaviour often suggesting corruption or illegality

When you say something is as cheap as chips you mean it is very cheap

If you are chasing your tail you are very busy doing a lot of things but not achieving very much

To horse around: like goof off

When someone has chickened out of something: they have failed to do something or they haven´t tried to do it because they were afraid

When you say someone is a wise old owl you mean they are very experienced in life

A night owl is someone who stays up late into the night

When you say someone is in safe hands you mean they are being cared for someone who is confident and skilled

A safe pair of hands: is a similar expression it refers to someone who can be to do a good job avoiding mistakes

If someone tells you to hold your tongue it means they want you to stop talking because they don't like what you are saying


ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: the different processes involved in the production and consumption of goods and services.
ECONOMIC AGENT: person, group or institution involved in the economy.
EMPLOYEE: person who works for other person to earn money.
EMPLOYER: person who hires other person to works for their.
MARKETING: the act of researching, promoting and advertising a product or service in order to sell it.
PART-TIME CONTRACT: contract in which employees must work during a fewer number of hours than the established on the agreement.
PRODUCTION: activity that provides goods and services for consumption.
PROFIT: the monetary gain of a business after all expenses have been met.
RAW MATERIAL: unprocessed substances.
RETIRED: person that does not work because having previously worked for years.
SELF-EMPLOYED: person who works for their own company.
SERVICES: economic activities that are intangible.
ACTIVE POPULATION: people employed, unemployed or looking for work.
CONSUMPTION: the use of a production or service to satisfy needs or desires.
DEMAND: the desire to own something in the market and willingness to pay for it.
DISABLED: physically handicapped person.
DISTRIBUTION: the marketing, delivery and sale of goods and services.
FULL-TIME CONTRACT: contract in which employees must work during all hours establish on the agreement.
GOODS: tangible economic products, such as food, that are usually consumed after production.
INACTIVE POPULATION: people who are not able to work because being disabled, retired or student.

INFLATION: rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in the economy or a decrease in value of the purchasing power of money.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014


To ask for the moon: to make unreasonable demands for things or to wish something impossible to achieve or to obtain 
when you hold the fort : it means you take care of a place when the person normally in change is away 
Under the table : is a frase used to describe secrtive behaviour often suggesting corruption or illegality 
The horse around: means to behave a silly way making noise and causing distruption
When you say someone has chickened out: you mean they have failed to do something or they haven´t tried to do it because they were afraid 


ARBITRATOR: a person chosen to decide a dispute or settle differences.
AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY: one of 17 regions that form part of the Spanish territory with its own devolved government.
CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY: a system of government in which the king is the head of state but the parliament chooses the government.
COUNCILORS: government officials that, together with the mayor, make up the town council.
THE CROWN: the part of a constitutional monarchy represented by the king.
DECENTRALISED GOVERNMENT: a system of government in which decision-making is devolved to a local level and therefore closer to the citizens.
EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY: autonomous communities’ power of making and passing laws related to town planning, housing, monuments, health care and education.
EXTENDED FAMILY: type of family made of grandparents, parents and children.
LIFE EXPECTANCY: the number of years a person or population is expected to live.
ILLITERACY: inability to read or write
MAYOR:  person who governs the town council of a municipality.
MINISTERS: government officials that, together with the president, make up the Spanish cabinet.
MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE: Cortes Generales’ request to the president to resign due to a common disagreement with the government’s politics.
MUNICIPALITY: the most basic administrative body in the Spanish territory.
NATIONAL SOVEREIGNITY: other countries’ impossibility of having influence in a country’s laws.
NUCLEAR FAMILY: type of family made up of parents and children.
POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY: a society in which the economy is has undergone a shift from production of goods to the provision of services.
PROVINCE: an administrative body made up of several municipalities in the Spanish territory.
SAME-SEX MARRIGE: type of family in which both parents are a same-sex couple who have adopted children.
SELF-GOVERNMENT:  a system of government in which a community or region has authority to govern itself without the intervention of any other authority.
SHARE AUTHORITY: autonomous communities’ power of developing the laws passed by the Parliament and adapting them to their territory features.
SINGLE PARENT FAMILY: type of family made up of a mother or a father and children.
STATUTE OF AUTONOMY: a law describing the institutions, laws and responsibilities for each of the autonomous communities in the Spanish territory.
SUBSIDIARITY: the principle of devolving decisions to the lowest practical level so that services are closer to the citizens.
TOWN COUNCIL: the organization that governs each municipality in Spain.
WELL-BEING: the level of satisfaction of a population as measured by education levels, healthcare, life expectancy and consumption.

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Social Science

Do you think that having a Constitution is important for us?
I think that is important for us because the constitution says the rights and duties of the people and also the constitution puts what we can do or not. It´s important for the countrie because if we do not have it  this would be an uncontrolled

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014


·        BUDGET: a sum of money to be used for a specific purpose by a
·        CAP: the Common Agricultural Policy. 
·        CFP: the Common Fisheries Policy. 
·        CITIZENSHIP: the condition or status of a citizen, With its rights and Duties. 
·        COHESION: the act of uniting or staying together. 
·        COMMON MARKET: a market based on common policies and the free movement of goods, services, people and capital. 
·        DEVELOPMENT: the act or process of growing or making progress. 
·        DUTY: something you must do. 
·        FRAGMENTATION: when production Processes Occur in different phases, in different places.

·        Monetary union: The sharing of the same currency Between Two or more state. In 1992, the concept of a junction was monetaru Agreed upon in the EU 

·        Ombudsman: A government official who investigates or body complains by private Citizens against Government Institutions 
·        government. 
·        Outsourcing: Part of a company's work is sent to another company, sometimes in a different country, porque's cheaper or more efficient option 

·        Self-sufficient: Being able to meet one's needs without external assistance 

·        Solidarity: A junction or fellowship created from common Responsibilities and interest, feelings or ministering purposes

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014