miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014


Scrumptious" means Delicious

"ASAP" means As Soon As Possible.

Success: the favorable result of something attempted
Tuxido: smoking

To be fond of: to like doing a thing; get pleasure of

To run the risk: to do something although something bad might happen because of it

Failure: a failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success

Though: even if

Massive: terrible

Burned down to a crisp: to burn something totally or very badly

To blend: put together
Burglar: one who commits housebreaker

Rob: to take something by unlawful force

Murder: the unlawful killing of a person

Suspects: one who can have done a crime

Hijack: to seize  by threat or by force, For ransom or political aims

Earthquake drill: to withdraw or cause to withdraw from (a place of danger) to a place of greater safety but not real only a rehearse

Food supplies non perishable: food that is use and kept in cause of emergency
Warn about: to advise (someone to do something)

Warn off: to advise (someone to do something)

Warning: the act of one that warns. something that serves to warn

Without warning: without notify

Ash: the gray or black powdery matter that remains after burning:

Drown: to die from being put under water

1 comentario:

  1. Miguel, organise your entries with the glossary related to each unit, please.
    thank u
