lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Unit 10 Geography glossary

MORTGAGE: a loan to finance the purchase of private residential or commercial property.
OFF-PEAK SEASON: the less busy annual period.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.

CEREALS: grasses grown for the edible components of their grain.
DOMESTIC TOURISM: tourism in which tourists do not leave their own country.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.
AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE: a landscape that has been transformed by people to cultivate crops and/or rear livestock.
HIGH-SPEED-RAIL: a type of rail transport involving high-speed trains.
LARGE-SCALE TOURISM: travel and accommodation offered to large groups at affordable prices by tour operators.

SPECULATION: investment in stocks, property or other assets in the hope of gain, but with the risk of loss.
CROP: a cultivated plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.
CULTURAL HERITAGE: the things, places and practices that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or cultures.

TOUR OPERATORS: a company that combines tour and travel components to cater for large-scale tourism.

Unit 10 Geography glossary

MORTGAGE: a loan to finance the purchase of private residential or commercial property.
OFF-PEAK SEASON: the less busy annual period.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.

CEREALS: grasses grown for the edible components of their grain.
DOMESTIC TOURISM: tourism in which tourists do not leave their own country.

PEAK SEASON: the busiest annual period.
RECESSION: a business cycle contraction/ a general slowdown in economy activity.
AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE: a landscape that has been transformed by people to cultivate crops and/or rear livestock.
HIGH-SPEED-RAIL: a type of rail transport involving high-speed trains.
LARGE-SCALE TOURISM: travel and accommodation offered to large groups at affordable prices by tour operators.

SPECULATION: investment in stocks, property or other assets in the hope of gain, but with the risk of loss.
CROP: a cultivated plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.
CULTURAL HERITAGE: the things, places and practices that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or cultures.

TOUR OPERATORS: a company that combines tour and travel components to cater for large-scale tourism.

Unit 9 Geography glossary

INFRASTRUCTURE: the basic physical and organizational structures needed for an economy to function.
MARKET: the meeting of buyers and sellers of goods and services.
EXPORTS: goods or services that are sold outside the country where they are produced.
FREIHT: goods or produce transported by ship, aircraft, train, lorry or van.
PRIVATE SERVICES: services that are offered and managed by private companies.
PUBLIC SERVICES: services that cover the basic needs of the population and contribute to its well-being.
RETAIL: a type of trade in which businesses sell small quantities of goods directly to consumers.
TRADE BLOC: a group of countries that join together to form an area with special trade regulations.
TRANSPORT NETWORK: the connection of road, railway lines, ports or airports that facilitate the transport of goods and/or people.
WHOLESALE: trade in which buyers purchase large quantities of goods and sell them, in smaller quantities, to other companies. BALANCE OF PAYMENT: a record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world
BALANCE OF TRADE: the difference between the monetary value of the exports and the imports of a country.
TOURISM: a sector dedicated to travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.
TRADE: the buying and selling of goods to meet the needs of the population.
BARTERING: a system used before the invention of money, involving the exchange of certain goods for others.
CAPITAL FLOW: the movement of money.
EXPORTS: goods or services that are sold outside the country where they are produced.
FREIHT: goods or produce transported by ship, aircraft, train, lorry or van.
IMPORTS: goods or services that are brought into a country from abroad for sale.

INFORMATION SOCIETY: a society in which the creation, distribution, and manipulation of information has become the most significant economic and cultural activity.