lunes, 1 de junio de 2015



Eat like a horse: eat a lot
Have a memory like an elephant: great memory
 Ace = the best at an activity ('as').
Dork =  stupid and with no friends.
To be the devils advocate: hacer de abogado del diablo
Sitting on the fence: you don´t know what you have to choose
It´s raining cats and dogs: raining a lot
Like water of a duck's back: como si nada
A night owl: ave nocturna
A whale of a time: pasárselo en grande
A wolf in a sheep's clothing: lobo con piel de cordero
Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched:No vendas la piel antes de matar al oso.
To let the cat out of the bag: say a secret of someone to others
Elvis has left the building: se acabó lo que se daba
Don't cry over spilt milk: no te arrepientas
Take it with a grain of salt: no te lo tomes a mal
That's the best thing since sliced bread: it is very good
Zebra crossing: paso de cebra
To have egg on your face: quedar en ridículo
Your hands are tied: no puedes ayudar a alguien
Your heart is in the right place: have the best intention
Your heart goes out to someone: sientes simpatía con alguien
Your heart isn´t in it: I don't care
A bad hair day: a bad day
You should let sleeping dogs lie: vamos a dejar las cosas tranquilas
It cost an arm and a leg: it cost a lot
Speak of the devil: hablando del rey de Roma
A gut feeling: instinto
A head start: empezar con ventaja
A kick in the teeth: it feels bad to you
Young blood: young people
Big fish: important person
 Dweeb = shy and clever.
Gnarly = a good lad.
To goof off = to behave as a stupid guy ('hacer el ganso').

Gross = disgusting.


Youth: the condition of being young  
Draw a crowd:  atraer una multitud 
Draw a curtain: move the curtain
Sloppy: untidy 
 Cheapen: to make cheap or cheaper
Short-shigted: miope
 Flock of birds: group of birds
 Herd of cows: group of cows
 Accuracy: carefully
 Lawn: grass

English expressions

'Go ahead!'
'You`d better not...'
'You are not allowed to...'
'Do you mind if...?'

'Would it be right if...?'
'I offer you my condolences'
'I feel for you'
'What a pity!'
'What a shame!
'I've had enough'
'I'll have...'
'What do I owe you?'

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015


There have been many amazing inventuins in the last one hundred years.
In my opinionthe most importante invention of all is the microwave.
Thanks to the microwave you can warm up the food when you want
In addition , you can warm up the foof or warm up the food before you do other thing in the house or while you cock something at the same time.
There are many types of warm up the food but I think that this is the best.
Microwave heating is more efficient in the liquid water or in the frozen water.
It´s dangerous to have electronic devices close you or used electronic devices.
No other invention has had such a great effect on people .
The world would definitely have been a very different place if no one had invented this incredible tool.

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015


Watercolor: acuarelas
clay: arcilla
be able to
be caplable of
accurate : impecable
sketching: boceto
ink : tinta
charcoal :carbón

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015


school of fish: banco de peces 
herd of cows : grupo de vacas
with accurancy : con precisión 
debrise : escombro 
landing gear: tren de aterrizaje
burst: explotar
triggered a chain : desencadenar sucesos
damege: daños
in taking: subcionado
windshill: ventana delantera del avión


to be fit : estar en forma
mushroom: champiñon/ seta
tidie : ordenar
tray: bandeja
ashtray: cenicero
guest: invitado
host: anfitrión
dryer: secadora
treadmill: cinta de correr
thermometer: termómetro 
swear: palabrotas
whitelie: mentirijilla
short-sighted: miope
big-headed: cabezón 
stubborn: tozudo
nitrily: impecable
soperb: soverbio
anyse: inconfortable


x-rays : rayos c
hoax: fraude
it doesn´t matter what he does he will never amount anything: da igual lo que hagas nunca llegaras a nada
beam: foco de luz
appliances: electrodoméstico
advanced: avanzado
coach potatoes: gente vaga
puzzles : puzle
skills : habilidades
naughty: mal pensado
jack pot : quiniela
worm holes , black holes white hole : agujeros negros
scenary: escenario
inonrance: analfabeto
sound track : banda sonora
 auction: subasta
chandelier: candelanbro